Serving all of Minnesota and Wisconsin

Minnesota office address:
1225 LaSalle Avenue, Suite 1105
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Wisconsin mailing address:
808 Carmichael Road, PMB 113
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016

T: 715.494.0080
F: 888.884.2483

Family Law.

Family Law Family law (or domestic relations law) is a specialty branch of civil law concerned with such subjects as adoption, annulment, divorce (or dissolution of marriage), separation, paternity, custody, support (child, family and spousal maintenance) and child care. In some cases, family law also transcends the boundary between other specialties, specifically those of criminal law in cases involving domestic abuse, assault and battery, as well as civil and protected rights in cases involving termination of parental rights (or TPR), guardianship and the ability to freely move yourself and your children from state to state and across international boundaries.

I specialize in highly contested family law cases in the areas of:

  • Divorce (Dissolution) with or without children;
  • Domestic Abuse;
  • Paternity Adjudication;
  • Parental Alienation (or Parental Alienation Syndrome; PAS);
  • Custody Determination or Modification;
  • Support (Child Support, Family Support and/or Spousal Maintenance); and,
  • Termination of Parental Rights.

As an accomplished and seasoned family law attorney I am extremely sensitive to the stresses you are facing when you have a family law concern. From extensive experience I know that potential and engaged clients benefit from clear, compassionate legal guidance when confronted with difficult family situations, such as separation and divorce, paternity, and the typically related issues of custody, support and child care. If you have a question, or any concern, speaking with an attorney with experience in family law is highly recommended.

You can count on the family law practice of JCWB, ESQ LLC to provide you with the legal guidance you need to move forward with your life-as I protect your interests and your family.

Aggressive. Studied.
Contact us for a 20-minute consultation on how we can help you to achieve your legal goals.
Today's Date (EST): Wednesday, February 19, 2025

1225 LaSalle Ave., Ste. 1105, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

T: 715.494.0080    F: 888.884.2483    E:

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