Serving all of Minnesota and Wisconsin

Minnesota office address:
1225 LaSalle Avenue, Suite 1105
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Wisconsin mailing address:
808 Carmichael Road, PMB 113
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016

T: 715.494.0080
F: 888.884.2483

A Sporting Law Practice.

Sports Law I am experienced in representing current and aspiring American and international athletes and coaches engaged in professional, semi-professional, collegiate and amateur sports.

I am familiar with the business practices of all North American sports franchises and leagues, and many international sports franchises and leagues, and handle all sports law and personal representation issues for my clients ranging from contract and endorsement negotiations to enforcement of such agreements in the appropriate jurisdiction (in and out of the United States).

I have extensive experience in researching, analyzing and providing market surveys and detailed industry specifics by sport, and can do so for prospective clients depending upon the individual athlete's or coach's goals.

I have experience ranging from amateur sports and non-profit administrative regulatory bodies (e.g., NCAA, state high school associations, national semi-pro leagues, etc.), to the professional ranks of the National Football League (NFL), Arena Football League (AFL; as well as multiple independent indoor football leagues), Canadian Football League (CFL), and Major League Baseball (MLB; as well as minor leagues, summer wooden-bat and independent leagues), specifically including:

  • Contract negotiations and contractual obligations;
  • Draft preparation, acceleration camp planning & initial Professional status designation;
  • Free agency & market dynamics for professional income maximization; and,
  • Endorsements, appearances, and signings.

My commitment is to the success of the athlete/coach-attorney relationship. I provide candid, confidential advice on realistic opportunities and am counted on to provide tough, yet successful negotiations. You can count on my demonstrated history of success to provide you with the counseling, advice and guidance you need to move forward with your sports career-as I also protect your legal rights and financial interests.

Aggressive. Studied.
Contact us for a 20-minute consultation on how we can help you to achieve your legal goals.
Today's Date (EST): Wednesday, February 19, 2025

1225 LaSalle Ave., Ste. 1105, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

T: 715.494.0080    F: 888.884.2483    E:

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